Míriam Méndez

I'm a


I am a computer Engineer with a major in computer science and a minor in software engineering. As an inquisitive girl, I am currenly pursuing the Data scientist and Data Engineer roles. I decided to focus on data because I like to experiment with hypotheses and test them, studying and analyzing the samples, in order to draw meaningful conclusions.

Data enthusiast.

Currently studying Computer Vision and Bioinformatics at @Chalmers.

  • Birthday: 18 Dec 2000
  • Age: 22
  • City: Barcelona, Spain
  • ORCID: 0009-0001-6824-8868
  • Degree: Computer Engineer (CS & SE)
  • Master: Data Science and AI

What I like about data is that it comes in various types, such as relational, graph, and text data. You are not limited to choose only one type, you can focus on several. At the moment, image and audio captivate me the most, as they present intriguing challenges. The most rewarding aspect for me is the sense when I achieve that all works succesfully. I don’t know how to explain it, but somehow my self-esteem rises, as I learn new things and feel productive.

Moreover, someday I would like to work at a research centre like CERN and meet people from different cultures and different ways of thinking. Besides, I believe that in those types of research centres I can learn more than just IT and it will give me the opportunity to broaden my view in science.


The evaluation of my skills is based on my confidence in using it.

  • C++ is a language I feel extremly confident in since I learned it for competitive programming and I also used it for creating a 2D videogame (university project).
  • Java for OOP and distributed graphs (GraphX-Spark)
  • R when it comes to statistic and data anlaysis projects.
  • Python for OOP, statistic and data analysis projects, distributed environments (pyspark) and web development (Django).
Python 90%



Míriam Méndez

Passionate data scientist and programmer with knowleadge in Big Data and AI.

  • miriam.mendez.serrano@estudiantat.upc.edu


Master of Data Science and AI

2023 - 2024

Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden

Courses: Image Processing + Deep Machine Learning + Computer Vision + Bioinformatics.

Master of Data Science

2022 - 2024

Facultat d'Informàtica de Barcelona (FIB), Spain

Courses: Compulsory subjects + Cloud Computing + Algorithms for Data Mining.

Bachelor in Computer Engineering: computer science + software engineering

2018 - 2022

Facultat d'Informàtica de Barcelona (FIB), Spain

Courses: Compulsory subjects of computing + Machine Learning + Numerical Computation + Software Architecture + Own Aplications and Services + Requirements Engineering + Software Project Management + Advanced Programming Concepts + Videogames.

Professional Experience

Research assistant

2022 - 2022
(8 months)

Visualization, Virtual Reality and Graphics Interaction



Míriam Méndez Serrano

